To reach me for answers to your questions, or to schedule an appointment, please get in touch. Please note that because I am in sessions most of the day, it may take up to one business day for me to return your call or email. I look forward to hearing from you!
Nancy Pentz, LICSW, CAC, CEAP
1200 G Street NW, at Metro Center
Suite 800
Washington DC 20005
Phone: 202-441-0091
Fax: 202-483-0876
I book appointments from 7am to 8pm, depending on the day. The suite receptionist is in the office from 9am to 5:30pm. If your appointment is before 9am or after 5:30pm, please call me upon your arrival and I will escort you to the office.
Office Location:
Building Information:
For the security of tenants and visitors, the building management requires every visitor to sign in with the concierge and provide identification. Your confidentiality is not violated — I accept many visitors for many reasons in my office here, and no reason for your visit is ever asked. You must show ID at the entrance and sign in, then come up to Suite 800, where your arrival will be announced to me by the receptionist there. Free self-serve coffee, tea, hot chocolate, ice, water, and vending machines are available for your convenience.
The closest station is Metro Center (Orange, Blue, Red, and Silver Lines).
On-street metered parking is $2.30 per hour payable by cash, credit card, or ParkMobile app.